Audition Excerpts for Orchestra, Wind Ensemble, & Symphonic Band

Vocalists: Please see Choir Audition information.
Percussionists and Jazz musicians: please also review additional information for Percussion and Jazz Ensemble auditions.

Auditions will be 5-6 minutes in length. Teachers have selected audition excerpts and you will find them below. If you have any questions regarding excerpts, please contact your studio teacher. Conductors reserve the right to request sight-reading with all auditioning students. Returning students should also be prepared to audition behind a screen.

Upon your arrival at school, please sign up for an audition time. Sign-up sheets will be at the Conservatory office during Welcome Week and then will be posted to the Orchestra board (strings) or Wind Band board (woodwinds/brass), located by room Shattuck 163 and behind the Conservatory office, respectively. Time slots will be available on a first come/first served basis. Please sign up in order and do not leave any time slots empty.

We encourage all non-music majors to audition for any ensemble. Students who are NOT music majors and would like to audition for Symphonic Band ONLY may prepare an etude or solo of their choice rather than the excerpts on the printed audition list.